EXETER City Council will be carrying out door-to-door enquiries this month as part of a new electoral registration system.

This summer marked the launch of a new system of individual electoral registration. In mid-July, eighty per cent of Exeter residents received a letter confirming that they had been successfully transferred to the new system. The remaining twenty per cent, were sent a form asking for further information. These may be people who have recently moved, or changed their name, for example.

The Council will now begin to make door to door enquires to follow up where these forms have not been returned, to ensure that residents do not lose their right to vote.

Jeff Chalk, Democratic Services Manager, said : '' The Council is obliged by law to contact each person to ensure that all eligible electors have the right to vote.

"If a form isn't returned then we have to firstly, send reminder forms and then make a personal visit to that property. Obviously this is a costly exercise and people can help us reduce these costs by sending in their forms as quickly as possible. Anyone can also register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.”

John Street, Electoral Registration Officer, added: β€œIt is important that residents ensure that they will be able to participate in elections by being registered to vote. It's also worth remembering that the Register is used by financial bodies in the process of granting credit, and as well as missing out on the opportunity to vote, an individual may find it difficult to open a bank account, for example."

Anyone who hasn't received a form should contact the Electoral Services Office on 01392 265141.

A Parliamentary election is due to be held in May 2015 along with elections for 13 seats on the City Council.