Over 2,000 people attended the launch of a new musical project called the Cornwall Youth Music Action Zone (CYMAZ) at Boscawen Park in Truro and took part in a variety of entertainments linked to National Playday Week.

CYMAZ was formed four months ago following a decision by the National Foundation for Youth Music in London to approve Cornwall's status as a Music Action Zone.

The aim of the project is to get children involved in music and on the day the children had the chance to play drums and maracas and joined a marching band. There was also a congo line of 200 people led by a pink dinosaur.

Chris Warner, the director of CYMAZ and the man who started the campaign for a Hall for Cornwall, said that they were very pleased with how the day went.

The event was the first Junior Bandwagon to mark the first project set up by CYMAZ and also involved a fancy dress contest and circus entertainment as part of National Playday Week.

"I have had a wonderful year out since leaving the hall for Cornwall but I am very glad to be helping shape CYMAZ," said Chris.

"It's a fantastic project which will give young people in Cornwall the chance to play or sing in a band, to try their hands at being a DJ or get involved in the technical side of modern music."

The aim of the Junior Bandwagon is to attract eight- to 12-year-olds who have never had the chance to acquire musical skills and give them the opportunity to train and perform.

The launch in Boscawen Park also gave those involved a chance to enjoy themselves in the summer sunshine with an ice cream or two and candy floss.