ROAD users across Somerset are being prepared for the worst the winter can throw at them.

The county council has produced a leaflet called Your Guide to Winter Service in Somerset to inform the public of measures it takes to combat conditions once temperatures plummet.

The leaflet outlines Somerset County Council’s policy on which routes are salted if and when the big freeze sets in over the coming months.

It gives detailed information on how the council plans to deal with icy or snow-covered roads.

It also tells drivers what they can do to help keep the roads safe.

And it contains a map showing the pre-salting network where precautionary salting is carried out when there is a risk of ice and snow.

A Somerset Couny Council spokesman said: “Drivers are reminded that only the busiest roads are salted, most are not, and that extra caution is needed in bad weather.”

The leaflet can be picked up from libraries, council information points and the offices of Taunton Deane Council.

Alternatively, you can contact Somerset Direct on 0845-3459155 or you can view it online by clicking on the link.

The county has already run a couple of dummy run salting exercises to ensure workers and their vehicles are ready in case they are needed.