Primary school: Trull is one of only 23 schools in Somerset to be awarded the Basic Skills Quality Mark. This is given when literacy and numeracy standards have been achieved for all children across the whole ability range. Staff, parents, supporters and pupils share in this distinction.

The take-up of hot dinners, started earlier this year, has been one of the largest in the county, over 50% on most days. Other catering managers have been finding out what has led to this success.

A striking work of art now covers the hitherto blank wall of the swimming pool building facing the main playground. The children were invited to draw the hobbies, sports and outside activities they most enjoyed. These were then designed into a mural mosaic by Bozena Nesporova, a resident artist and parent of a daughter at the school. Under her direction, the children made their own scenes out of the tiles and mounted them on the wall. Bozena, with volunteer support, filled in the background and undertook the arduous grouting. The costs were met from the school building fund.

The new lay-by has been completed by replacing the galvanised metal gates with a pair of wrought iron ones, produced by Kevin Bramble, in the school colours of green and gold, complete with date and logo.

Scout group: The annual fireworks display raised over £1,600, which will be used for the purchase of new equipment, including presentation aids for section evenings and new tents and cooking equipment for 2008 events. The Beaver, Cub and Scout sections are each running a very active programme over the next few months. Anyone who would like to be involved, either in a leadership role or just assisting with various activities is asked to contact Steve Walker on 01823-253150 or Suzanne McDonough on 01823-327151 for further details.

Twelve to Two: The Rev Eric Holdstock, lead chaplain at Musgrove Park Hospital, was guest speaker at the 13th Anniversary meeting of the Twelve to Two lunch club in the memorial hall. He cut the birthday' cake assisted by Pam Phenna, one of Trull's volunteer ward visitors - the others are Alison Richards and Graham Reid.

Charity effort: Joy Tucker's Macmillan Cancer Support morning in the memorial hall raised £430.70 and she thanks everyone who helped.

Good causes: The fourth annual charity bring and buy sale is being held in the memorial hall on Saturday, January 5, from 12noon to 3pm. Previous sales have raised over £7,600, a fine achievement, and this year's beneficiaries will be the charities Sure and Headways Somerset.

On target: In October a representative of ROPE - Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere - visited Trull to describe this Christian organisation's work worldwide. Local supporter Alison Richards and friends have since raised £1,500 to drill a second well in Tanzia where pure water is in short supply.