THE first few weeks of a newborn’s life are an amazing time that can bring both incredible joy and new challenges for new parents.

The routine of feeding, bonding, sleeping and the growing awareness of the outside world are important to establish.

Babies cry and there may be many reasons why. They could be hungry, tired, have a tummy ache or just need some comfort and closeness.

The crying baby is soon soothed after its needs are met. Sometimes parents try everything and still there are tears. In these cases an injury sustained during the birth process could be the reason.

The birth can be a stressful event for mother and baby. A certain level of stress is important for the baby in initiating its tiny body to breathe and to feed.

However, traumatic births have been linked to a range of problems in early life.

Consider the birth process: the baby’s delicate head is squeezed and twisted through the narrow canal of the pelvis.

The shape of the baby’s head is distorted as the bones of the cranium push against each other. This is normal and after birth, the baby has the ability to remould its head back to its original shape.

Often, after long or traumatic births, this remoulding is incomplete and can result in a range of health problems. Incorrect alignment of the 29 bones in the baby’s skull can upset sleep, increase anxiety levels and cause digestive difficulties such a colic and reflux.

In order to treat these problems we have a team of experienced cranial osteopaths and a teacher of baby massage.

By very gently holding the baby’s head the osteopath can allow it to complete the remoulding process and the correct alignment follows. The treatment is often given while the mother holds the infant and commonly mum can feel the baby relax as the treatment works.

Baby massage can relax and soothe both you and your baby. Touch is a very important way of communicating and bonding with your baby. The simple acts of holding, hugging, rocking and stroking your baby are helping your little one grow and thrive.

Marlborough House holds regular baby massage courses and all we ask in payment is a donation to Barnardo’s.

For further information about how cranial osteopathy or baby massage can benefit you and your baby, or to book a session with one of our highly qualified therapists, call 01823-272227.